Ok, here's some pictures of the visit from Tina and Mom!
On the Peoria Riverfront:
Tina found some glasses:
That's all for now. I'll post some pictures from Labor Day if I get around to it later.
Thanks for stopping by!
This past weekend was Father's Day so I thought I'd tell you about a couple of events that happened to my dad. We'll start with the better of the two first...
He tried for several months to sell his Lincoln LS (the same car Tammy and I had -- and I loved like a child). Well, he finally sold it and after a week as a one car family, he purchased the replacement:
And here's Jarvis the Yaris with the new Matrix
That was Saturday. Then the next day, we had the most sudden storm ever. One minute it was nice out, then it got dark, then super windy, then the sky opened up and out poured several inches of rain and hail in a matter of minutes. The next thing you know, after about an hour, it's sunny again. After the storm, we went to my parents' house. They had some damage from the storm:
Despite the random tree destruction, I think it was a good Father's Day weekend for my dad. And he deserves the best because he is the best :)
I can't wait to eat the fruits of my labor. And I know Tammy's excited about the cantaloupes, which are the only plant we're actually growing from seed. There are currently five plants sprouting.
And here's the peonies next to the garden. They are nice to look at, but they smell like old ladies and attract tons of ants. At least they don't smell like ants and attract tons of old ladies, that would be awkward...
This will be my blog. I hope to post photographs of the happenings of life. Chances are that I'll be one of those bloggers that rarely posts, but here we go.