Thursday, August 7, 2008


Dang it... It's been forever since I've posted again. Oh well.

So yesterday was me and Tammy's three year anniversary! And what a day it was, indeed. We both got up before 5 AM to work really long days... But afterwards, we went to one of our favorite restaurants - Sizzling India - and ate so much food. Then we went to Dick's Sporting Goods so Tammy could buy me a gift :) -- I had already bought and given a gift to her, by the way. But she bought me just what I wanted; a new racquetball glove and a new grip for my racquet! Super exciting for me. For a walk down the Cody memory lane go here.

Next big event I'm looking forward to? Less than two weeks and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law will be visiting! That will be great.
